Maroon Ravenwolf es uno de mis personajes originales, el cual hace su primera aparición oficial en el cómic DESTIN NOIR #4 [link]
Este mae es el mago blanco más poderoso del mundo... ¿mago blanco? Si, porque ¿dónde esta escrito que la magia blanca no puede ser invocada por un negro?
Como notarán, Maroon esta lejos del esterotipo del mago, es joven, cuida su cuerpo y le gusta la vida relajada. Es un hombre apuesto y galán, si no fuera mago sería probablemente un gigoló
Maroon Ravenwolf is another one of my original characters, he mades his first official appereance in the cómic DESTIN NOIR #4 [link]
This guy is the most powerful white mage around the world... Wait? White Mage? Sure! Why not? Where's written that a black man can summon white magic?
As you can see, Maroon is so far from the stereotyped image of a mage. He looks young, strong and loves relaxed live. He is a handsome and gallant man, if he wasn't a mage, probably woulb be a gigolo
Maroon Ravenwolf is another one of my original characters, he mades his first official appereance in the cómic DESTIN NOIR #4 [link]
This guy is the most powerful white mage around the world... Wait? White Mage? Sure! Why not? Where's written that a black man can summon white magic?
As you can see, Maroon is so far from the stereotyped image of a mage. He looks young, strong and loves relaxed live. He is a handsome and gallant man, if he wasn't a mage, probably woulb be a gigolo
Maroon Ravenwolf - Time to relax
Reviewed by Bimago El Cínico
sábado, diciembre 31, 2011
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